Laura Harzheim M.Sc.
Constanze Hübner M.Sc.
Mariya Lorke M.A.
Sabine Schulz M.Sc.
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
The implantation of medical-technical aids into the human body entails a number of bioethical questions, which, however, have, to date, not been made subject of substantial research. In the absence of theoretical foundations and empirical evidence, ethical and psychosocial aspects of implant technology are also not adequately represented in clinical guidelines so far. This situation is intensified by the quickly growing medical-technical possibilities which are constantly pushing back the limits of what is possible and conceivable. The project is part of the RESPONSE consortium funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), forming part of the research agenda 13, the cluster project on system and innovation research "Lifelong Implants". It is being carried out in cooperation with partners in specialized clinical centers and in the fields of implant technology and development, demography and health economics at the Universities of Rostock and Greifswald and the Hannover Medical School.
The overall objective of this study is to analyze ethical, psychosocial and cultural aspects as well as health literacy in relation to implants in the eye (glaucoma), the ear (cochlea) and the cardiovascular system. The focus lies on a lifetime perspective of implants. A systematic analysis of related issues can contribute to a responsible translation of medical innovations in the field of implant technology into clinical practice, and thus to a greater patient orientation and a more sustainable care reality. In addition, the findings within the framework of a transfer project form the basis for the designe of a training module on the responsible development and application of implants as well as for the establishment and stabilization of structures for the permanent integration of ethical aspects in implant development and application.
Dr. Dr. Saskia Jünger
ceres – Cologne Center for Ethics, Rights, Economics, and Social Sciences of Health
Universitätsstr. 91
50931 Köln
+49 (0)221 - 470 89109