Prof. Dr. med. Stephanie Stock
Prof. Dr. theol. Peter Dabrock
(University of Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Prof. Dr. iur. Jochen Taupitz
(University of Mannheim)
Prof. Dr. med. Markus Löffler
(University of Leipzig)
Federal Ministry of Health
On this basis, the group has developed a regulatory proposal for the provision of preventive measures, taking into account medical knowledge, the range of national legal and constitutional requirements, ethical criteria. A structured advisory catalogue for risk communication as the basis for an informed decision was generated for clinical use and transferred to the care concepts of the national consortia after discussion with stakeholders of the health care system.
On the basis of the data collected by the national consortia on mammary, ovarian and colorectal carcinomas over the last 15 years concerning familial accumulation of the diseases and mutations in high risk genes (BRCA1, BRCA2, RAD51C, MLH1 and MSH2) from 14,000 families with mammary and ovarian carcinomas and 8,000 families with colon carcinoma, this project developed a risk-adjusted cost-benefit assessment of risk-adapted early detection on the basis of a Markov model.